We hold onto memories of Sean just like he held on to his music toys: with a quiet smile. I still think about Sean every day—his deep chuckle, his mischievous grin, and his love of music. During hard nights, I think about him more and smile at his Barney toy. I remember Sean squeezing Barney’s foot so he could hear, for the millionth time, a rendition of “I love you.”

But now Barney sits high on my dresser shelf, and I look at that purple dinosaur some nights as I fall asleep. I have not heard Barney sing in years. Like our little boy, the music toys stopped playing. After Sean passed away, our home became very quiet, and we missed the sound of his music toys.

Sean was born with special needs, but our family always knew Sean was wonderfully special. Friends and family of Sean gathered together to do something we thought Sean might like, something for children like him. With generous donations and volunteer efforts, Koins for Kenya started the “Sean Michels School for Special Needs Children” in Miyani, Kenya.

There are special children all around the world who not able to attend school. With your help, children who once had to stay home because of their physical disabilities, are able to attend SMS.

When volunteers visit SMS, it is not quiet. Not in the least! The children run to greet visitors.  Some are in wheelchairs and some are on crutches, all of which are provided by donations. The SMS children always encourage visitors to join in their soccer games, their arts and crafts, and their sing-a-longs. 

Koins uses all of the donations given to SMS to help the SMS children. With your donation, you help provide for food, water, education, medical aid, and, of course, toys.  We never want Seany’s music toys to stop playing.


Click the link below to be directed to our secure credit card processing page. Donations can be made one time or can be recurring on a monthly basis.
